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dealing with stress

April is National Stress Awareness Month and reminds us to care for our mental and physical health when dealing with stress. A recent survey found that about two-thirds of U.S. workers report engaging in behavior such as drinking or crying regularly to deal with stress. Learning to cope with our stress and finding healthy ways to deal with these situations can go a long way in living a healthy and positive life.


Try adding some Zen to your life with these steps and you’ll feel better, and more peaceful:

  • Eat a healthy diet: Forget the fast food or ice cream binge and load up on fresh foods and veggies and lean proteins. Your body will thank you with a healthier outlook.
  • Get enough sleep: You’ll be better able to handle the stress that comes your way. Didn’t catch enough zzz’s last night? Grab a nap for a mood boost.
  • Get moving: Take a stroll around the block, walk the dog, bike to the grocery store, or find an exercise buddy. It’s always more fun to exercise with a friend. Exercise releases feel-good chemicals that will lift your spirits.
  • Try some tunes: Soothing music can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and anxiety. Upbeat tunes can help you blow off steam.
  • Come up with a stress relief tool kit: Meditate, take a long walk, watch a comedy, curl up with a good book, or light some candles. Find what soothes you.
  • Enjoy nature: Work in your garden, walk in the woods or relax in the park. A change of scenery can brighten your mood. 
  • Get social: Have lunch with a coworker, phone a friend, volunteer, or take a class. Being around other people will give you a fresh perspective and help you find your happy place.

It’s all about what works for you. So, start letting go of the stress in your life and move to your place of peace. 



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