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How to Cope With Fall Allergies

cope with fall allergies

Fall brings cooler weather, changes in scenery, and unfortunately for some, the onset of sneezing, stuffiness and cold-like symptoms! Here’s how to cope with fall allergies. 

Why Do Allergies Flair Up in the Fall?

The fall season is a beautiful time of year; but for people with allergies, it can also be a time of discomfort. The reason? Fall weather creates ideal conditions for the growth and spread of certain allergens. The most common among these are listed below:

Ragweed: As its name suggests, ragweed is a weed that grows wild in many parts of the United States. It blooms from August to November, and its pollen can travel long distances in the wind. Ragweed pollen is a major contributor of hay fever, a type of allergic rhinitis that causes symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, and congestion.

Mold: Mold is another common allergen in the fall. Mold thrives in damp, humid conditions, which are more common in the fall as the weather cools down. Mold spores can be found indoors and outdoors, and can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, coughing, and wheezing.

Dust mites: Dust mites are tiny insects that are found living in homes, offices, and other places where people spend time and gather publicly. While dust mites can be bothersome year round, they especially increase during the fall and winter seasons.

How to Cope With Fall Allergies

  • Check the pollen count. The pollen count is a measure of how much pollen is in the air, which can easily be checked online or through a mobile weather app.
  • Take allergy medication. There are a number of over-the-counter and prescription medications that can help relieve allergy symptoms. 
  • Avoid triggers. If you know what triggers your allergies, try to avoid them. As noted above, common fall-time triggers include pollen, mold, and pet dander.
  • Keep your home clean. Vacuum and dust regularly to remove allergens from your home. Also, make a habit of changing your home’s air filter.
  • Take a shower before bed. This will help remove any pollen or other allergens that may have gotten on your skin or hair during the day.
  • Use a humidifier. A humidifier can help add moisture to the air, which can help relieve dry itchy eyes and a stuffy nose.
  • Get enough sleep. When you’re well-rested, your body is better able to fight off allergens. Prioritize 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • See an allergist. If your allergies are severe, you may want to see an allergist to help you develop a personalized treatment plan.

Details on the New COVID Variant

Here's what we know so far about COVID variant BA.2.86:

Additional Seasonal Tips

  • Avoid mowing the lawn, weeding, and other outdoor activities that stir up allergens. If you must do these activities, wear a mask to protect your nose and mouth from pollen and mold spores.
  • Limit your time outdoors on dry, windy days. Wind can carry pollen and mold spores long distances, so if you suffer from severe seasonal allergies, it’s best to limit time outdoors on days with high wind gust.
  • Consider talking with your doctor (or an allergist) about allergy shots, especially if over-the-counter medications have provide little relief. This can help improve your quality of life year-round, allowing you to embrace the beautiful fall season! 

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