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Creating goals list on notepad on office desk surrounded with office supplies. White wooden work desk.

Step 1: Write down broad goals.  Examples may include: improve my health, workout more, get a promotion at work, etc.

Step 2: Prioritize.  Place each goal in categories such as first tier, second tier, and third tier.  The most important ones should be placed in first tier, while the third tier goals may be least important to you.

Step 3: Get specific.  Break down each goal into smaller goals. If your goal is improve your health, that may mean setting small goals such as “drink 8 cups of water per day,” “exercise 5 times a week,” or “reduce caloric intake.”  When you write out these smaller goals, also list how you will achieve them.  For “exercise 5 times a week,” you could write about when, where, and how you will do this.

Step 4: Be realistic with yourself.  If your goal is to buy a house in one year and you only have $400 saved and can only add an additional $50/month to that savings, you’re not setting a realistic goal for yourself.  Think about breaking unrealistic goals down into goals you can attain and ones that may ultimately lead you to achieving your ultimate goal in the future.  For example, maybe you can’t buy a house in a year, but you can set a goal to have $1000 saved by the end of the year by putting $50 in your savings each month.

Step 5: Find your motivation.  Motivate yourself to achieve your goals by setting small rewards out for yourself along the way.  If your goal is to improve your health, for example, reward yourself with a new workout outfit once you’ve worked out 5 times a week for 2 months. Or, motivate yourself by telling others about your goal or by finding other goal diggers so that you can motivate each other to keep going.



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