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Doctor vaccinating male patient in clinic

There’s a common misconception that children are the only one’s who need vaccines, but that just isn’t true.  An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!  Below are vaccines you may consider as an adult: 


Flu Shot- Anyone older than 6 months, but especially pregnant women, those with long-term health issues, and people over 65 should get the flu shot every year.


Tdap- Tetanus, Diphtheria, and Pertussis are all life-threating and all preventable with the Tdap vaccine.  Pregnant women should get the vaccine between their 27th and 36th week of pregnancy.  Everyone should have a booster for tetanus and diphtheria every 10 years.  Additionally, those will be working with infants should get the Tdap vaccine at least 2 weeks before coming into contact with them.


Pneumococcoal- This bacteria is associated with pneumonia, meningitis, blood infections, and death.  If you are at least 19 years old and have a weakened immune system, you may consider getting the vaccine.  Doctors recommend the 2 pneumococcal vaccines to anyone age 65 and older.


Measles, Mumps, Rubella- If you were born after 1957, never got the MMR vaccine or never had measles, you should consult with your physician about getting the shot.  If you are pregnant or have a weakened immune system, this vaccine is not for you.


Shingles- Even if you’ve had chickenpox or shingles before, if you’re age 60 and older, consult with your physician about getting the vaccine. Those with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, or people allergic to gelatin or neomycin should skip this vaccine.

Remember to always consult with a physician before getting a vaccination.



Article adapted from: https://www.webmd.com/vaccines/features/adult-immunizations-boosters#1



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