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mind and body reset - handwriting on sticky notes against burlap canvas

If you’re feeling a little sluggish and overwhelmed, try out this list of ways to reset your mind, body and soul.


  1. Drink lots of water! A cup of water in the morning will help get your digestive system going and reduce bloating.  You should aim for at least 8 cups a day.
  2. Practice self-care. Even 20 minutes a day of just focusing on yourself is enough to improve your mental health.  Yoga, affirmations, or a gratitude journal are just a few ideas.
  3. Don’t neglect your skin!  Exfoliating your skin can get your blood flowing, unclog pores, and remove dead skin. Don’t forget to moisturize afterwards to keep your skin hydrated.
  4. Make some time for outside! Getting 10 minutes of fresh air and sunshine a day is a surefire way to boost your mood.
  5. Declutter your life. Throw out or donate things you don’t need and that are taking up unnecessary space. Decluttering isn’t limited to physical possessions either; declutter your technology by deleting apps you don’t use and emails you don’t need.
  6. Eat more fruits and vegetables! Maybe you’re feeling sluggish because of how you’ve been eating lately.  Incorporating fruits and vegetables in your diet will up your nutrient intake and help to reduce cravings for other, less healthy options.
  7. Go somewhere new! Sometimes what we really need to reset is to get out of our daily life for a bit and explore a new place.  Even just a day trip to somewhere nearby can bring us the little bit of relaxation and clarity that we need to get back to our everyday.


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