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Coping with Holiday Stress

Coping with holiday stress

With the Holidays in full swing, you may notice increased feelings of stress and anxiety. You are not alone! Holidays bring out financial, family, and work stress due to the added pressure and expectations from those around you. Here are some tips to cope with the stress so that you can find joy this Holiday Season.


  1. Take care of yourself! It’s easy to neglect our own needs because of the demand of others but you cannot pour from an empty cup.  
  2. Get outside and move your body. Moving your body is a natural mood booster that can help you get out of your head and into your body.  
  3. Create a budget. Before spending money around the holidays sit down and create a budget that works with your income so you can regulate your spending and avoid feeling out of control. 
  4. Set boundaries. If being around your family drains you, set a time limit to your visits. It is ok to say no to some obligations if they are going to cause you more stress and anxiety. 
  5. BREATHE! Take a few moments each day to be quiet, breathe and think of what you’re grateful for. 


It’s important to try to enjoy this holiday season and sometimes that means putting yourself first!


Wishing you and all of your loved ones Happy Holidays! 


-Alivia Elovich, LCSW | Emotional Wellness Coach

Guest Writer for Next Level Medical Blog



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